Saturday, October 20, 2007

Kragmortha -d!

Here are Nat and my Mom during a game of Kragmortha tonight:

It's a little game I picked up the other where you play a goblin nosing about about the evil overlord's library. whenever you get in his way, he gives you a withering look and a curse. THe effects range from keeping a card tucked in between your forearms to keeping your tongue out at all times. And the effects are cumulative!

A lot of fun and plays really quickly

Monday, October 15, 2007

Goodbye baby doggy...

Masha died last night.

She got violently sick on friday, and she had to be put down at 3:30 am last night. we were all with her for that, but it still fucking sucks she had to go that way, it's not what I hoped her last two days would be.

Farewell bébé chien, I'm gonna miss you here. May you find snowy fields wherever you're going...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The day the Mighty fell

At the final whistle I stared for a few seconds in complete disbelief. The old enemy had done it again and bested us one step away from the ultimate prize...

So our World Cup hopes are over. Without taking anything from the English, who beat us fair and square, the most frustrating (and for a few hours last night, infuriating) part of it is that the defeat is due more to us shooting ourselves in the foot than our opponents playing brilliant rugby...

But anyway, I will not here make an analysis of the game, I don't think many of you would care much for that. Instead, I'll just say that despite the disappointment, I'm still proud of our team who made it to the last 4. There's no shame in losing at this stage of the competition, especially to the reigning World Champions.
You can walk with your head high guys! Now go and get that 3rd place for us!


Saturday, October 06, 2007

2 more to go!

Come on guys, one great thing done, but the hardest is yet to come. Keep at it, we're behind you all the way!!!
