Sunday, September 29, 2013


From the forgotten echoes of a distant past, a heartbeat emerges once more. Doubt quickly follows surprise.
"Who? Bourgui? Online? Pull the other one!!!"

Yet, there I am! No, my account hasn't been hacked (that I know of, anyway). "So, what... ?" I can hear you exclaim silently. Well, the truth is I've had the itch for a little while. And while I still stand as one of the last ramparts against Facebook's unstoppable invasion, if only to make myself interesting when I meet people for the first time, I felt like bringing the ancient art of "blogging" back to life.

I, of course, make no promise as to the longevity of this second coming of sorts. Let's play it by ear. And, mostly importantly, enjoy the present in this most interwebsial of forms (yes, I am a word-fashioner in my spare time).

So, what is going on in Nico's life these days? In truth, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. But then, I have a happy, comfortable little life playing out, and, as luck would have it, a new camera. Pretty cool for somebody who's wanted to pick up photography for a long time. Mix in a beautiful fall afternoon, an eager dog with an unquenchable thirst for sticks and some time to spare and you get the following snapshots. Enjoy!

Ready... Get Set... Go!
It`s a long way to shore....
Sneak attack!
Loch Ness Lake Fortune Monster

Till next time, dear friends...
