Monday, April 09, 2007

News from the new world


How fast can time pass? So much has happened since I last gave an update I barely know where to begin.

The biggest news I guess is that my dad's got throat cancer. Fortunately it didn't spread anywhere else. He's on radiation treatment right now, for a few more weeks but he should be fine.
Kinda hard to follow after this without sounding mundane...

Well first of all, the skiing season was really short this year (along with the money), I only had the chance to go twice after my last post. But it was really good, because, for all that the season was short, the temperature never went over -5 which meant that the snow was absolutely perfect!
In sports still I've been working hard in Tae Kwon Do, hoping to get my black belt for the sumer so I can go to tournaments (full contact competitions are only opened to black belts here).
I've also been having fun playing volley-ball. We're in a recreational league with Natalie and we're having a ball. We're actually playing for 3rd place on thursday, in the season finale. This was so good we're signing up for the beach volley-ball league this summer.

Work has been kinda stressful lately. We are coming to all kinds of deadlines, for which we're no necessarily ready. But we're a hard working bunch, so we'll make do. I have to say though, this 4-day weekend was pretty welcome.

And to top it all off I've qualified for the Grand Tournament (Warhammer 40,000) in May. That will require a few hours preparation, which I have no idea where I will find!

So as you can see, it's been pretty busy here. You can also throw in a couple of weekends of fun with Marcel, who came down for the superbowl and for an orgy of playstation goodness, a couple of saturdays spent watching France and Ireland battling it out for the 6 Nations championship, and you'l have an idea of the pace!

I wouldn't have it any other way though, I'm happy as a pig in mud right now. Just wish you guys could come down sometime, but we'll work on that.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I'll try and post some pix later on for your visual entertainment.

Miss y'all
